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Infrared Heating is rapidly increasing in popularity, as people begin to recognise its many advantages over gas and conventional electrical heating systems.

The fact that Surya IR Heating Panels are manufactured using 100% recyclable materials such as aluminium means that they’re substantially more eco-friendly than both of the traditional forms of heating we’ve used in our homes.

The clean and natural way in which IR heating panels generate their heat also produces zero CO2 (Carbon Dioxide), so they’ll actually help you to reduce your home’s carbon footprint by a considerable amount year on year.

It’s a fact that less environmentally-damaging CO2 is produced by Infrared heating panels, and one of the reasons is that they’re a lot more energy-efficient and consume a great deal less power than traditional modes of heating.

How They Work

Unlike conventional electrical convector heaters, which heat the air by circulating it throughout the body of the appliance and across its heating element, Infrared heaters emit electromagnetic waves that stimulate the particles within solid bodies, causing them to generate their own heat.

While convectors heat the area immediately around them, the warmth they provide is inconsistent and transient because the air rises up to the ceiling to dissipate moments later as it cools.

This is an inefficient way to produce heat and one which costs a great deal more to run than the method employed by IR heaters, which expend most of their energy heating the solid objects in the room.

The Savings Speak For Themselves

In order to illustrate just how energy-efficient Infrared heating is, it is relevant to show it in comparison to another electrically powered system as opposed to one that’s gas-powered. This is especially the case, given the fact that conventional electric central heating systems are already generally considered to be less power thirsty than their gas-powered equivalents.

The table below shows the relative power requirement of all the different types of electric heating system, in comparison with that of an IR heating panel:

Type Of Heater

Typical Heat Output

Running Cost Per Hour (standard meter)

Running Cost Per Hour (Economy 7, night)

Running Cost Per Hour (Economy 7, day)

Radiant Bar Fire

2 kW/h




Halogen Heater

1.2 kW/h




Convector Heater

2 kW/h




Fan Heater

2 kW/h




Oil-filled Radiator

1.5 kW/h




Infrared Heating Panel

0.29 – 0.8 kW/h

4p – 11p

2p – 5p

5p – 14p

The abbreviation kW/h stands for the number of Kilowatts of electricity that each heater uses each hour. As you can see from the table, it’s the fewer the better as far as the relative cost of running each type of heater is concerned.

The extrapolated energy and subsequent electricity bill savings to the user are evident, with smaller models such as the 595 x 595mm Washing Landscape Image Panel consuming the lower number of kilowatts and one such as the 700w Premium Frameless Infrared Heating Panel at the higher end.

Other Ways You’ll Save With IR Heating

As if the energy savings and environmental benefits weren’t already enough, you’ll also save in other ways when you install Infrared heating panels in your home.

The fact that IR heating panels are so simple and cost virtually nothing to install is a major factor for many people; the only cost incurred in the installation process being that of the electricity to drill four holes to hang one on the wall.

Compare this to the cost in both time and money of having either a gas or electric central heating system installed and you’ll appreciate the magnitude of the saving.

IR heaters will require no maintenance whatsoever during their long lifetimes. Indeed, after 30 years or 100,000 hours, you will probably have replaced your gas boiler at least twice and had it serviced many times, whereas your IR heater will still be going strong.

In fact, we’re so confident that our IR heating panels will last a very long time that each one comes complete with a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty.

A less obvious, but still very important saving you’ll also make is on space. In comparison with an ugly and cumbersome electric storage heater for example, the sleek, discreet Infrared heating panel will take up no room at all. And when the storage heater’s gone, the dead space it once occupied can be used to much greater effect, perhaps accommodating a bookshelf or an armchair.

We’re Waiting To Take Your Call

If you’d like to find out more about the great features of Infrared heating panels, or you’d like to place an order, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our friendly and highly trained customer service advisors on 0116 321 4124.

Or, if you’d prefer, you can e-mail your query to as well as liking and commenting on our Facebook page and following us on Twitter.