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As Seen On TV

On Renovate, Don't Relocate

Of all the benefits that infrared heating has to offer, the fact that it works well in such a wide variety of spaces makes it really appealing to all sorts of installations.

This includes older graded buildings too, which are of course, notoriously difficult to heat up efficiently because of lower level of insulation, and often considerably larger rooms.

The Rutland Hall Hotel & Spa, in Oakham, Leicestershire is such a building, dating back to the 1800s. Since they made the switch to infrared however, they haven’t had any issues at all.

We spoke to Molly Tomlin, who is a manager at the hotel, to take a detailed look at how they, and their guests, have been getting on with the panels.

A Historic Building

The original building was constructed in the 1800s, and was used as a hunting lodge. Two additional buildings, the Oakham and Uppingham houses, were then built in 1989 to expand the existing site.

Given the age of the buildings, all the rooms were using storage heaters, which really lacked the control and flexibility of more modern solutions.

The main issues were an inability to heat the rooms up quickly, and conversely how to cool them down once they got too hot!

A Need For Modernisation

Compounding the need for a more flexible heating system, the owners of the hotel also felt that bringing the general technology of the building up to modern day standards was also necessary.

The issue though, was finding a solution that ticked all these boxes.

That was until one of the owners saw an advert on TV for Surya Heating.

After a conversation with our sales team, they decided to outfit every room in the hotel with Custom Image Infrared Heating Panels, with bespoke images printed onto each one that would match the feel and aesthetic of the rooms, making them blend in effortlessly into the decor.

Heating That’s Hidden In Plain Sight

The result was breathtaking.

The panels slotted in perfectly, matching the cool and relaxing blue and grey hues in each room with stunning art prints, that left their guests dumbfounded as to where the heat was actually coming from!

This helped create a really unique talking point between hotel staff and guests, helping them to change the perception of the building itself, and totally modernising the interiors with up-to-the-minute printed heaters.

The Energy Savings

Of course, the other critical aspect of any heating solution is how sustainable it is financially.

Luckily, the infrared heaters have saved the Rutland Hall Hotel owners a nice chunk of money.

Not only have their general efficiency, and ability to create comfortable environments using far less energy than convection heaters made a difference, but the level of control they offer is in a different league compared to their old storage heaters.

Whereas the old system stored heat and released it throughout the day whether you wanted it or not, the newly installed NXT Gen IR Panels are the exact opposite - with full automated temperature control, 7-day timers, and heat within a few minutes of them being switched on.

This allows them to control the heaters on a far more individual level, and means they’re not needlessly heating up the rooms even when they’re unoccupied.

Changing How We Think About Heating

The most obvious element of this infrared heating installation that flies in the face of conventional heating are the looks. Walking past a framed picture on the wall and feeling the immense heat being emitted takes a lot of the guests by surprise.

This also gives the hotel a unique experience for their guests, as this is something that most people have never experienced before, helping them really put the ‘unique’ into USP.

The sensation of the heat itself is also something that the hotel guests have really enjoyed, describing it as the perfect heat for a countryside destination.

This comes from the fact that infrared uses the same type of heat as the sun (minus the UV rays of course), giving guests that outside feeling even when they’re relaxing in their rooms.

Recommending Infrared

Given the amazing feedback and experience the hotel has had from their guests, they would not hesitate to recommend infrared to anyone who is on the fence about making the switch.

So much so in fact, that some of the hotel staff have gone as far as to buy the panels for their own homes, and we have had some customers purchase IR panels after having experienced them at the Rutland Hall Hotel!

The other benefit this has had for the hotel of course is that the IR heaters have really helped them reduce their carbon footprint, which in today’s current climate really is a selling point as the general public become more conscious of their own actions and the impact it has on the environment.

The Overall Impact of Infrared Heaters

The difference between the old storage heaters that were installed at Rutland Hall Hotel, and the new Custom Printed Infrared Heating Panels is night and day.

Whereas the old storage heaters were clunky and created obstacles in the room’s decor, the IR panel heaters totally blend into the interior decor, and even go as far as to enhance the aesthetics of the space.

On top of that, the level of control offered by infrared panels has resulted in some huge energy savings, as they can now operate the heaters individually, and just switch them off when the rooms aren’t in use.

The other side of this coin is also the impact on the hotel’s carbon footprint, which is now massively reduced thanks to the lower energy demands of IR panel heaters.

Overall, we’re really happy at how much the hotel staff and guests are enjoying the new heating system.

If you’re ready to make the switch to infrared heating, simply give us a call on 0116 321 4124, or send us an email to

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